Thursday, July 31, 2008

Website Address??

Of course....forgot that!


It has been so long since I have been on my blog, blogging, that I almost forget how to do it. I have been focusing on my business and my new website. I would like to regularly visit my blog and would love to have others do so. Why not visit my website and tell me what you think? I am also beginning work on my first book....when complete will be sure and make it known!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Kitty Nest

Got this pattern from and my cats love it! Take turns and curl right up! Had to share these with you!

Fabulous Felted Clutch

I have been creating make-up bags, (or clutches, lipstick purses, or coin purses) for awhile now, and continue to come up with new and funky ways to accent them. Here I have used buttons with french knots holding them. The buttons are layered. Notice the crystal zipper must have the bling!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Have Fun with SUNflowers!

Aren't these pretty? Bring the sunflowers inside and brighten any room. I have these all over my various colors. But, the sunflowers are my favorite. I have created coaster sets, large table mats, hot pads, and I am working on a sunflower cat bed. Will post it when it is complete. These are my original designs. If you would like instructions, or would like to purchase one or many, just email me. I do many custom orders to suit the decor of your house.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Felting Frenzy

Above, felted kitty toys (an adaptation to a pattern found in a knitting magazine). Then, cute little Tooth Fairy bags! I also included some of my bowl creations.....great for jewelry, trinkets, cottonballs, or whatever!

Felting has become a major addiction of mine.....(OK, another of my major addictions....none of which are hazardous to my health!)

I plan on sharing some photos of some of my original designs, and eventually to share some of my original patterns. It's all about the time!

However, I have learned that you can design just about anything, and felt it. You just experiment and hope for the best!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

One of my first felted creations! (not the kitty!)

This is all new to me and I am still trying to figure this out! In the near future, I plan on posting some of my projects on my blog. So, be patient and come back soon!